Addressing the Challenges of Poverty

Thank you to Oklahoma’s own, Adrienne B. Elder, MPH, CHES, Consultant/Special Projects Director,,for sharing this video from the Addressing the Challenges of Poverty National Conference that occurred in September. Adrienne was able to share ideas on complimenting initiatives within the socioecological framework:

Here’s a follow-up word from Adrienne: “As you you all know, I am a strong advocate for peer support groups as a critical strategy to engage marginalized voices with unaddressed trauma who provide the transformational fuel to help communities heal.ย Over the past year, I have worked with Phil DeVol to publish a supplement that incorporates ACEs science into a peer support group curriculum. The supplement was just published and printed, so am pretty excited about reaching this milestone! Let me know what you think and if you see any ways to incorporate these ideas into our work.”

Use the comment section below to share your feedback and click below to download the supplement.