Seems funny looking back – but Multicounty Coalition was born out of the pandemic. The idea had been tried before with three local coalitions making efforts to combine for quarterly meetings to share ideas and support each other but the travel, time constraints and finding a meeting venue large enough for everyone to gather made the concept almost impossible. As the pandemic began, Delaware County Community Partnership began holding drive through Narcan events to combat potential drug overdose deaths. This led to a discussion of other activities that could be done via drive through with and/or virtually. We quickly realized the need larger scale funding and support. It made sense – if we could design a drive through format or hold a virtual training why could we not share these ideas with other communities. It was time to give the idea of combining community resources across neighboring another try! We hate to admit it but the pandemic and use of zoom and other internet-based communication platforms made it possible.
Fast forward a couple of months- I was reintroduced to Laura at an Osage County Community Health Alliance meeting (those who know me understand I attend a lot of different community meetings). She presented this wonderful opportunity to provide drive through Covid testing. An amazing win-win concept where coalitions could assist communities in getting tested and receive incentive funds that could further be used to promote healthy activities within those same communities. What could be better? Multicounty as a concept was still getting it’s footing so I shared the idea with every community coalition I attended. Some like Delaware County Community Partnership were quick to jump on board, others took a little more convincing but eventually realized the huge benefits of the program. Delaware County Community Partnership was well situated with the drive through idea – we had already been doing it!
Progress ahead a couple more months. Same group of Delaware County Community Partnership volunteers hanging around a COVID testing event discussing how Multicounty Coalition could host events in multiple counties by engaging in partnerships with other community partners. What? You mean partner with those coalition who have not yet seen the benefit of holding an event? This idea made sense – we could build Multicounty Coalition connections while financially benefiting both the coalition and partner agency. I like it! To make the idea even better we could share resource bags filled with partnering agencies, connecting people who need help with those there to provide it. This is where I get excited. As a Community Liaison for Parkside Psychiatric Hospital, I have listened to both sides agencies who don’t know how to inform the community of the resources they have to offer and community members finding themselves in unknown territories of hardship who don’t know where to turn. My passion to serve is full steam ahead at this point!
Multicounty coalition went on to participate in over 23 testing events during 2021 partnering with a variety of agencies along the way. We had a blast learning about the LBGTQ population in Bartlesville (thank you Washington County Mental Health Association), endured the heat at Pryor’s Main Street Red White and Blue Bash (thank you Mayes County HOPE), suited up for a lovely 5K run (thank you Parkside By Your Side Run event), met some lovely people in Collinsville (thank you Northern Tulsa County Coalition) and dressed up as ghouls (thank you Project Chelsea). Multicounty coalition also became very familiar with Tulsa Community College and Passport Health as we teamed up to offer students and faculty not only free PCR, Rapid and Serology (antibody) testing, but also easy access to flu and Covid vaccine. Multicounty could not be more honored than to walk alongside such amazing organizations.
The idea behind Multicounty Coalition has always been to create a “win-win” situation for the coalition and each of our partners. As we begin each planning session the question how to offer the most value to our communities as well as our partners is always top of mind. This passion for collaboration has led to the quick success as we are now comprised of over 120 members representing 29 counties in Oklahoma. Each meeting offers continued growth as we feature different speakers each meeting to educate each other regarding the incredible resources Oklahoma has to offer.
Future projects for Multicounty include designing an interactive website to showcase the many resources of our partnerships and serve as an invitation for others to join. Continued bimonthly meetings inviting new speaker to share their information and collaborate to make our communities better. There are hopes to one day creating a traveling prevention summit touching each of our participating counites making efforts to create a fun family atmosphere where community members can engage with each other while learning more about creating healthy lifestyles.
Meetings occur the second Wednesday of even months. Intreated in learning more? Contact Shanan Cox at scox@parkdieinc.org. Would be happy to extend an invitation.