Child Opportunity Index Zip Code Estimates

The Child Opportunity Index (COI) is a composite index of neighborhood opportunity published by for all US census tracts.

Click here to learn more about how and when to use this data tool. On the diversitydatakids.og blog, Noelke & Ressler (2022) offer great insight about when zip code level data can be useful to help define a community and when census tract data should be used instead to avoid high miss rates.

We would love to hear what our communities think! Check out the data tool and let us know how you might use it to design equitable interventions. The data is available for download and this is an example of how it might look for a few Oklahoma zip codes depending on how a user defines their filters. For example, z_ed_nat is the ZIP Code weighted average of census tract education domain z-scores, nationally normed and z_he_nat is the ZIP Code weighted average of census tract health and environment domain z-scores, nationally normed.

Source: 2022. “Child Opportunity Index 2.0 ZIP Code data”, retrieved from on Jan 31 2022.