The Public Health Institute of Oklahoma (PHIO) is pleased to announce our involvement with partners across the state working to address gaps in COVID-19 testing in rural and underserved populations through established community partnerships to enhance the existing state-wide public health and health care infrastructure. The Community-Engaged Approaches to Testing in Community Healthcare Settings for Underserved Population in Oklahoma (CATCH-UP) project is part of a broader NIH initiative to address COVID-19 related mortality and morbidity in vulnerable and underserved populations. Click here to learn more.

The Public Health Institute of Oklahoma (PHIO) is collaborating with The University of Oklahoma Health Science Center’s Oklahoma Clinical and Translational Science Institute to implement this project across the state of Oklahoma and to provide guidance on social, ethical, legal, behavioral, and economic perspectives to testing in our state, along with County Health Improvement Organizations (CHIO), Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH), Chickasaw Nation (CN), Southern Plains Tribal Health Board (SPTHB), Oklahoma Caring Foundation, Latino Community Development Agency (LCDA), The Oklahoma Foundation for Medical Quality (OFMQ), Oklahoma Physicians Resource/Research Network (OKPRN), and the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF).