Research Study at OU: Seeking Native American Smokeless Tobacco Users

American Indian Smokeless Tobacco Users: We need your help! Consider joining a research study

Measuring Smokeless Tobacco Dependence among American Indian Adults

We want to find out why people use smokeless tobacco (chew, dip, snuff, or snus) and how to best measure their dependence on smokeless tobacco.

You are eligible if you are:

·         American Indian/Native American adult (age 18 years or older)

·         Currently use smokeless tobacco (chew, dip, snuff, or snus)

·         Using more than 1 can/pouch of smokeless tobacco for at least one year

·         Currently not using any other tobacco product

·         No history of other substance abuse

·         Have a valid telephone number and mailing address to be contacted

Your participation will include:

·         Complete phone survey about tobacco use and personal characteristics

·         Collect a saliva sample for analysis of nicotine (in your own home)

·         Complete the study from the comfort of your own home

You will be offered compensation for your time.

For more information or to participate, please contact:
Dr. Nasir Mushtaq
Telephone: 918-660-3680 or 405-371-9979 Email:

Or click below:


The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution. OUHSC IRB Number: 12826