Turning Point Trailblazer Award

Turning Point Trailblazer Award

Launched in 2022, during the 25th Anniversary Celebration of Turning Point, 25 individuals and entities were identified as “Turning Point Trailblazers.” The honorees were identified through the OTPC Executive Council as those who were and continue to be instrumental in the formation and sustainment of OTPC.

Beginning in 2023, “Turning Point Trailblazers” can be nominated by the broader community. Turning Point Trailblazers are individuals or entities paving the way for improvements in health and social care across Oklahoma. One new Trailblazer will be honored annually.

Nominees for the “Turning Point Trailblazer” award will embody: Grit, a fierce determination and willingness to do the tough stuff; Fire, a passion for public health and the community Curiosity, a drive to learn more from individuals in the communities we serve Balance, a commitment to ensuring we plan and act with equity-driven purpose.

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Award exclusions: Members of the OTPC Executive Council are not eligible to receive this award.